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Thursday, May 26, 2016


How to take care of Diabetic foot?

Today I want to talk about how to take care of the diabetic foot. There are many complications associated with Diabetes Mellitus, all very serious and important. A poorly controlled diabetes or maintaining high sugar levels cause nerve damage throughout the body. Today I will put special emphasis on Diabetic Neuropathy Distal that produces tingling, numbness in feet, muscle weakness, and eventually, ulcers or open sores.

It is exactly  because of the numbness in feet that people with diabetes are unaware that they have lesions on their feet, therefore, it is too important to  prevent diabetic foot ulcers, sores and even amputations. Usually, people with diabetic neuropathy complain that they feel their feet like if they had a heavy stone on each one, causing pain, tingling or numbness, among many other problems. The diabetic patients should care for their feet like a mom cares for her baby skin.

The following recommendations are especially focused on Diabetic foot care, and need to be taken into consideration DAILY if you want to avoid major health problems because of Diabetes. 

1-Check the soles of the feet, feeling gently with your fingers looking to see if  there is something sharp.

2-Wear clean, dry socks every day. NEVER USE THE WET because it can spread the fungus and eventually start sores.

3- The shoe should be wide sole, closed to protect fingers from shock or injury.

4- The shoe should be soft, padded that fits your needs.

5-The shoe should be broad, never narrow in its tip. Remember that lack of feeling will not be able to easily detect if the shoe itself, is causing injury.

6-Check daily the shoe sole looking for bugs, tacks or nails embedded that could later hurt your own feet.

7-The cut nails or callus removal can also cause injury if you have good eyesight. Therefore, cut nails straight across and someone else do it for you if it is too difficult. The person to do it for you must be professionally trained.

8-Do not walk barefoot.

9-Wearing high heels, boots and sandals should be avoided.

10-If you have calluses or ingrown toenails you should visit the foot specialist (podiatrist). Cutting nails straight cut is made. Doing so round or leave spikes will cause ingrown toenails.

11 After the bath, gently dry feet should PRESSING with a clean towel. DO NOT rub and never forget to dry between your fingers gently. This area should be completely dry before putting on socks or shoes to prevent fungal growth.

12-If you notice skin of your feet are dry, gently apply a cream to avoid cracking and subsequent ulcers. Apply the cream sliding his hand in an upward direction to stimulate the venous return and maintain skin hydration.

13-Do not apply the cream between the toes.

14-If you already have numbness in the feet ask for help before washing with warm water. Ask another person to monitor the temperature before dipping your feet in the tub.

15- Always check inside your shoes to corroborate that there is not a sharp object.

16- If your shoes are wet, you must put them to dry in the sun. Never use them if they are still wet.

17- Never underestimate any sores, redness or sore on your feet and even see if the color of your nails change to a purple color. Look at your feet every day and at the slightest sign of redness, go as soon as possible to the hospital, clinic or physician.

18- Try to get a with mirror in which you can  see clearly as the sole of his foot looks. You can also help with mirrors as shown in the illustration.

19-The snuff increase the hardening of the arteries and veins which prevent good blood circulation has, therefore, should try to give up this habit and replace it with another as daily exercise and good nutrition. 

In addition to daily exercise you can practice these exercises that will help improve venous return. You can do it while at home.

20- The use of templates is recommended to relieve pain caused by pressure and also to avoid friction that can cause very dangerous diabetic foot calluses.

21- Use proper diabetic socks. Do not wear tight socks that worsen the blood circulation in your feet.

Finally, I will show you with some very graphic images but pitifully represent advanced stages of diabetic neuropathy. That is why, I would like to emphasize the importance of addressing the signals your feet sent through redness, swelling, cracking, ingrown toenails, foot warm, dark nails by poor circulation, so that we can prevent in time the terrible consequences of a bad sugar control in diabetic patients. Not act soon you can reach amputation and death. "Better safe than sorry"

The purpose of my blog is to teach and educate about health problems,  so that you also share with your friends and family in order to avoid major health complications.

Remember to keep sugar levels "normal", trying to  have a balanced diet, considering the portions, and meal times. Check your blood sugar daily, purchase a glucometer, and invest in your own health.

Read more about

Glucose healthy parameters  and   Diabetes Mellitus.

Thank you very much and please share my blog with others. Cynthia R.

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